Join us in building the future.
Unity 2025’s mission to provide the next President of the United States with a sensible, popular plan to reunite America.
Unity 2025 aims to dramatically improve the quality of life for all Americans. It calls for a nonpartisan plan of action that lowers the cost of living for working people, creates millions of union jobs, and promotes peace and democracy across the US and abroad.
Our common-sense vision for people runs in sharp contrast to the extreme, dangerous ideas that billionaires and Washington elites are promoting in Project 2025 that would pollute our communities, weaken our economy, and threaten our freedoms in service of profit for an elite few.
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The Unity Agenda.
The Unity Agenda.
Stop corporate price gouging on essentials like groceries and medicine. Make billionaires and large corporations pay their fair share of taxes. Eliminate junk fees. Provide relief for utility debt and cancel medical debt. Decrease what people spend on everyday essentials by expanding public services like transit and public power.
Pass the PRO Act and the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act. Invest at least $113 billion in workforce and community development and hold corporations accountable for labor rights violations. Raise the minimum wage to $17/hour and expand occupational safety and health standards. Invest in guaranteed public jobs, benefits, and direct compensation for workers in shifting industries.
Increase public investments in affordable and social housing to reduce mortgage and rent payments and improve living conditions. Expand tenant rights and protections. Increase Social Security, utility and rental assistance. Take on predatory landlords by capping rent increases at 3% annually and expanding eviction protections. End the criminalization of homelessness by prioritizing housing-first policies and social services.
Expand the Supreme Court and establish ethical guidance for justices. Advance equitable representation by abolishing the filibuster and making Washington, DC a state. Protect and expand the right to vote and peacefully protest. Enact rank choice voting and the Youth Voting Rights Act that requires states to accept student IDs for voter ID requirements.
Invest $1.7 trillion over five years in our transportation system. This includes constructing excellent public transit systems, fixing our roads and bridges, expanding electric vehicle infrastructure, and the creation of millions of high-paying jobs. Eliminate toxic air pollution and electrify cars, buses and rail, saving lives and reducing health costs by $100 billion annually.
Invest $500 billion to support climate-smart farming, increase local food access, provide free school meals, and expand food security. Grow SNAP to improve access to quality food for all people. Support community-owned agriculture, schools gardens, and family farms to lower food costs and break up corporate monopolies. Incentivize regenerative farming practices.
Invest $625 billion over a decade in child, elderly, and disability care, creating 2.2 million jobs. Promote gender and LGBTQIA+ justice. Pass paid family and medical leave. Universalize and expand Social Security and Medicare. Make abortion safe, legal, and accessible across the country.
Support transformative investments in public education, green retrofits and renewable energy for schools. Eliminate tuition for community colleges, public universities and vocational schools. Provide economic relief and stimulate the economy by canceling all student loan debt. Expand the American Climate Corps, employing millions of young people to clean up pollution, beautify our neighborhoods, and fortify community infrastructure.
Invest $1 trillion per year to avert climate catastrophe. Declare a climate emergency to unlock new opportunities to align our energy goals with the Paris Agreement. Expedite clean energy deployment to meet decarbonization goals with proactive public participation, consultation with tribes, and robust environmental review. Modernize the grid for renewable energy storage and transmission, and implement proactive planning and agreements for streamlined project approvals. Eliminate fossil fuel subsidies, ban drilling on public lands and new fossil fuel infrastructure, and phase out oil, gas, and coal leasing and exports.
Direct at least 50% of climate and infrastructure investments into frontline and marginalized communities. Pass the Respect Act to empower tribal, indigenous, and environmental justice communities. Protect at least 30% of lands, fresh waters and oceans by 2030 to restore biodiversity, and expand tribal and indigenous management of national parks and other federal lands.
Pivot foreign policy to focus on the needs of working people, not weapons manufacturers by ending all wars of conquest, championing humane policies for refugees and migrants, reducing wasteful military spending, embargoing weapons to Israel, and calling for a permanent and immediate Ceasefire in Palestine. Ramp up international climate finance and take bold action on sovereign debt to help countries of the Global South pursue sustainable development.

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